Szabolcs Csonka has been awarded the prestigous Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award.

A review on gate controlled superconductivity in metallic wires has appeared with the involvment of the Quantum Electronics group.

Our results investigating the correlations in leakage current fluctuations and noise in SC wires appeared in Nature Communications.

Our newest measurements showing signatures of topological phase transition in ZrTe5, has just been published in npj Quantum Materials.

Leaders in the 2D field has visited Budapest to take part in the 8th Edition of the 2D materials workshop, which again was a great success!

We had a very fruitful meeting of our network on Spin-Orbit Torques, called 2DSoTech in late September.

Our newest result on multi-terminal Josephson circuits have been published in Phys. Rev. Research.

Our theoretical study on phased biased Andreev Molecules appeared in Phys. Rev. B.