Our theoretical study on phased biased Andreev Molecules appeared in Phys. Rev. B.

Our review, describing the electron wave and quantum optics has just been published.

Our work investigating the origin of voltage-time dillemma in silver atomic-sized switches was published in Physical Review Applied.

Our newest work, which investigates noise tailoring in Hopfield memristive networks appeared in APL Machine Learning.

Our newest work , investigating the quantum transport properties of Ta memristors appeared in ACS Appl. Nano Materials.

The juree has granted the proposal entitled "Investigation, tailoring and application of noise in nanoelectronics devices".

Our work in WSe2 - bilayer graphene - WSe2 structures, showing a robust gapped state with pressure appeared in Nano Letters.

Interview with the Momentum research group leader Szabolcs Csonka published at the news portal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.