Gating Ta superconducting wires
2023. March 14.
Our new results on gate-driven out-of-equilibrium euperconductivity in Ta/InAs nanowires has appeared ACS Nano.
2023. March 14.
Our new results on gate-driven out-of-equilibrium euperconductivity in Ta/InAs nanowires has appeared ACS Nano.
2023. February 28.
Our magnetotransport measurements characterizing the bandstructure of ZrTe5 has been published in PRB.
2023. February 01.
Péter Makk, head of Correlated van der Waals Structures Group had won the ERC Consolidator grant.
2023. January 22.
We had a great Lasertag and Christams party. We wish you all a happy new year!
2022. December 06.
Our new manuscript on InAs 2DEGs proximity coupled to superconducting electrodes appeared in Phys. Rev. B.
2022. October 23.
The graphene workshop organized for the 6th times was a great success with leading scientists from all over Europe. See you next year!
2022. October 23.
Congratulations on succesfully defending his thesis work titled "v.d.Waals heterostructures: from fabrication to hydrostatic pressure experiments"!
2022. October 06.
70th Birthday Conference of György Mihály, member of the HAS, former leader of the Nanoelectronics group was held at Mátraháza on Sep 24.