Birthday conference and group excursion
2022. October 06.
70th Birthday Conference of György Mihály, member of the HAS, former leader of the Nanoelectronics group was held at Mátraháza on Sep 24.
2022. October 06.
70th Birthday Conference of György Mihály, member of the HAS, former leader of the Nanoelectronics group was held at Mátraháza on Sep 24.
2022. September 09.
Congratulations for Olivér for the best poster prize award at LT29!
2022. September 09.
Our manuscript on Cooper pair splitting is out in npj Quantum Materials.
2022. June 21.
Research in topological superconducting circuits is further supported by a Momentum Grant awarded to Szabolcs Csonka.
2022. May 24.
Our manuscript on Cooper pair splitting and non-local Shiba spectroscopy has been published in Phys. Rev. Research.
2022. May 16.
Leaders of the semiconductor-superconductor field have assembled for the closing event of the SuperTop QuantERA network.
2022. March 24.
A short introductory video feauturing our lab and the whole Quantum National Laboratory has just appeared online.
2021. November 14.
Our paper on the Shiba states got the best publication prize at the University.